* This file is part of Myddleware.
* @package Myddleware
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Stéphane Faure - CRMconsult EURL
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2015 - 2016 Stéphane Faure - Myddleware ltd - contact@myddleware.com
* @link http://www.myddleware.com
This file is part of Myddleware.
Myddleware is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Myddleware is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Myddleware. If not, see
{{'view_flux.header.rule'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.header.statut'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.header.type'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.header.attempt'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.header.gblstatut'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.header.dateref'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.header.date_created'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.header.date_modified'|trans}} | {% if doc.getParentId %}{{'view_flux.header.parent'|trans}} | {% endif %}
{{ rule.getName }} | {# {{ firstParentDocumentId }}{{ doc.getType }} | {{ doc.getAttempt }} |
{{ doc.getGlobalStatus }}
{% if doc.getGlobalStatus|lower == 'close' %}
{% elseif doc.getGlobalStatus|lower == 'error' or doc.getGlobalStatus|lower == 'open' %}
{% elseif doc.getGlobalStatus|lower == 'cancel' %}
{% endif %}
{{ doc.getSourceDateModified|date("d/m/Y H:i:s") }} | {{ doc.getDateCreated|date("d/m/Y H:i:s", timezone) }} | {{ doc.getDateModified|date("d/m/Y H:i:s", timezone) }} | {% if doc.getParentId %}{{ doc.getParentId }} | {% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if target.direct_link is defined %}{% endif %}
{% if history %}{{'view_flux.nbPostDocuments'|trans}}
{{ nb_post_documents }}
{{'list_flux.tab.id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.name'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.target_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.date_modified'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.type'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.statut'|trans}} |
{{ flux.id }} | {{ attribute(post_Documents_Rule,flux.id) }} | {{ flux.source }} | {{ flux.target }} | {{ flux.dateModified|date("d/m/Y H:i:s") }} | {{ flux.type }} |
{{ flux.status }}
{% if flux.globalStatus|lower == 'close' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'error' or flux.globalStatus|lower == 'open' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'open' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'cancel' %}
{% endif %}
{{'list_flux.tab.id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.name'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.target_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.date_modified'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.type'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.statut'|trans}} |
{{ nb_history_documents }}
{{'list_flux.tab.id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.name'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.target_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.date_modified'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.type'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.statut'|trans}} |
{% if current_document == flux.id %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ flux.id }} | {{ rule.getName }} | {{ flux.source }} | {{ flux.target }} | {{ flux.sourceDateModified|date("d/m/Y H:i:s", timezone) }} | {{ flux.type }} |
{{ flux.status }}
{% if flux.globalStatus|lower == 'close' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'error' or flux.globalStatus|lower == 'open' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'open' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'cancel' %}
{% endif %}
{{'list_flux.tab.id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.name'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.target_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.date_modified'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.type'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.statut'|trans}} |
{{ nb_parent_documents }}
{{'list_flux.tab.id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.name'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_field'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.date_modified'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.type'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.statut'|trans}} |
{{ flux.id }} | {{ attribute(parent_Documents_Rule,flux.id) }} | {{ flux.sourceField }} | {{ flux.source }} | {{ flux.dateModified|date("d/m/Y H:i:s") }} | {{ flux.type }} |
{{ flux.status }}
{% if flux.globalStatus|lower == 'close' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'error' or flux.globalStatus|lower == 'open' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'open' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'cancel' %}
{% endif %}
{{'list_flux.tab.id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.name'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_field'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.date_modified'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.type'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.statut'|trans}} |
{{ nb_child_documents }}
{{'list_flux.tab.id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.name'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_field'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.date_modified'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.type'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.statut'|trans}} |
{{ flux.id }} | {{ attribute(child_Documents_Rule,flux.id) }} | id | {{ flux.source }} | {{ flux.dateModified|date("d/m/Y H:i:s") }} | {{ flux.type }} |
{{ flux.status }}
{% if flux.globalStatus|lower == 'close' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'error' or flux.globalStatus|lower == 'open' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'open' %}
{% elseif flux.globalStatus|lower == 'cancel' %}
{% endif %}
{{'list_flux.tab.id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.name'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_field'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.source_id'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.date_modified'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.type'|trans}} | {{'list_flux.tab.statut'|trans}} |
{{'view_flux.log.id'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.log.ref'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.log.job'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.log.date_created'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.log.type'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.log.msg'|trans}} |
{{ log.getId }} | {% if log.getRef is not empty %} {{ log.getRef }} {% else %} {{ log.getRef }} {% endif %} | {% if log.getJob is not empty %} {{ log.getJob.id }} {% endif %} | {{ log.getCreated|date("d/m/Y H:i:s", timezone) }} |
{{ log.getType }}
{% if log.getType|lower == 's' %}
{% elseif log.getType|lower == 'e' %}
{% elseif log.getType|lower == 'w' %}
{% endif %}
{{ log.getMessage }} |
{{'view_flux.log.id'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.log.ref'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.log.job'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.log.date_created'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.log.type'|trans}} | {{'view_flux.log.msg'|trans}} |
{{logPagination.pager.currentPage}} out of {{ (logPagination.pager.nbResults / logPagination.pager.maxPerPage)|round(0, 'ceil') }}
First {% if logPagination.pager.currentPage > 1 %} Previous {% endif %} {% endif %} {# in betweeen #} {% set between_pages = (logPagination.pager.nbResults // logPagination.pager.maxPerPage) - 1 %} {% set more_than_two_pages = between_pages > 0 %} {% if more_than_two_pages %} {% for i in 2..(between_pages + 1) %} {% set custom_route_between = custom_macros.custom_route_generator_between(i, documentPage) %} {{ i }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {# in between end #} {#{{ dump(logPagination.pager.nbResults) }} {{ dump(logPagination.pager.maxPerPage) }} {{ dump(logPagination.pager.nbResults % logPagination.pager.maxPerPage) }} {{ dump(more_than_one_page) }}#} {% if logPagination.pager.currentPage < logPagination.pager.nbResults // logPagination.pager.maxPerPage + 1 and logPagination.pager.nbResults % logPagination.pager.maxPerPage != 0 %} Next {% endif %} {% if logPagination.pager.currentPage <= logPagination.pager.nbResults // logPagination.pager.maxPerPage and logPagination.pager.nbResults % logPagination.pager.maxPerPage != 0 %} Last {% endif %}
{% endif %}{{'view_flux.nbWorflowLogs'|trans}}
{{ nb_workflow_logs }}
{{ 'view_flux.workflow_log.id'|trans }} | {{ 'view_flux.workflow_log.workflow'|trans }} | {{ 'view_flux.workflow_log.job'|trans }} | {{ 'view_flux.workflow_log.trigger_document'|trans }} | {{ 'view_flux.workflow_log.generate_document'|trans }} | {{ 'view_flux.workflow_log.created_by'|trans }} | {{ 'view_flux.workflow_log.status'|trans }} | {{ 'view_flux.workflow_log.date_created'|trans }} | {{ 'view_flux.workflow_log.message'|trans }} | {{ 'view_flux.workflow_log.action_name'|trans }} | {{ 'view_flux.workflow_log.action_type'|trans }} |
{{ log.id }} | {{ log.workflow.name }} | {{ log.job.id }} | {% if log.triggerDocument is not null %} {{ log.triggerDocument.id }} {% else %} {% endif %} | {% if log.generateDocument is not null %} {{ log.generateDocument.id }} {% else %} {% endif %} | {{ log.createdBy }} |
{{ log.status }}
{{ log.dateCreated|date('Y-m-d H:i:s') }} | {{ log.getMessage }} | {{ log.action.name }} | {{ log.action.action }} |
{{ nb_logs }}